Pistachio Orange Macaroons: A Gluten-Free Passover Treat

Pistachio Orange Macaroons orange macaroons aren’t your standard macaroon recipe, no ma’am. These little beauties come packed with nutty pistachio flavor and a burst of fresh citrus flavor! One bite will transport you to the Mediterranean. These cookies are the perfect sweet anytime of the year, but especially during spring!

Coconut macaroons are a staple during the spring holidays. They bring a fresh, fruity flavor with a hint of sweetness. Macaroons have been enjoyed for centuries by cultures all over the world. They’re super easy to make and use only a few ingredients. Best of all, they fit in with almost any diet and are naturally gluten free. Consider adding these pistachio orange macaroons to the table whether you’re celebrating Passover, Easter, Nowruz, or even Ramadan!

I crafted this recipe with my sister-in-law in mind. Her family is part Israeli and she loves pistachios. When we celebrated the holidays together for the first time, I wanted to make something special for her. They ended up being a hit and now her and her family request them every year! If you love bold flavors, you will see why these cookies are now a tradition in our gatherings. They will become a tradition in your family, too!


The difference between a macaron and a macaroon is the shape and treatment of ingredients. While they’re similar in ingredients, the techniques produce two totally different cookies. The main difference is that macaroons are mostly made of coconut or nut flour. Macarons are mostly egg white and sugar.

These are pistachio orange macaroons, not to be confused with macarons. Macaroons are a sweet cookie typically made with ground nuts. They might include almonds, coconut, and pistachio. Some recipes might also use condensed milk, but this recipe for pistachio orange macaroons doesn’t.  They usually get scooped or piped into small mounds and baked until golden and crispy on the outside.

Macarons (with one “o”) are a French dessert made with similar ingredients. The mixture relies on whipped egg whites and almond flour. This batter gets whipped until the right consistency and piped into small discs. Two macarons get sandwiched together with a filling such as buttercream and ganache. 


Macaroons have been satisfying sweet tooth’s for centuries. While the origins of macaroons is debatable, some sources suggest they have Italian or Arabic roots.

The earliest macaroons were made with almond paste or ground almonds, sugar, and egg whites. They were often flavored with rosewater or orange blossom water. Early versions of the recipe used small wafers as the base. This helped make the cookies stick-proof when baking. It also gave them a chewier and softer center.

Over time, macaroons evolved to include different types of nuts. Pistachios, almonds, and hazelnuts were common. Coconuts became a staple ingredient through mediterranean trading.

This recipe for pistachio orange macaroons isn’t so different from the ones made centuries ago. Pistachios and orange are a common combo in Arabic baking. And for that reason, you might want to try them with a half teaspoon of cardamom. You know, if you’re feeling adventurous. 🙂

In Jewish culture, macaroons have a special significance as a Passover treat. Since traditional leavened bread isn’t allowed, coconut macaroons became a go-to dessert. And while they’re especially good (and helpful) during Passover, they’re a delicious treat enjoyed anytime of the year.


Pistachio orange macaroons sound like a fancy cookie with a lot of steps. They only have a handful of ingredients and are so quick to mix together. When you’re making a recipe that uses only a few ingredients, it’s important to focus on the quality of each one. This recipe uses:

  • Shelled Pistachios
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Egg Whites
  • Vanilla Flavoring
  • White Sugar
  • Salt
  • Orange Zest

Use fresh orange zest, fresh pistachios, and use a good quality coconut flake. Pistachio orange macaroons are only as good as the ingredients that go into them!


Pistachio orange macaroons are so quick and easy to make, it’s almost suspicious. There are a few tips that can help you make the best batch of pistachio orange macaroons… but really, you can throw everything into the bowl haphazardly and still make something delicious. It’s one of those recipes that’s foolproof. I can’t see how they wouldn’t come out good.

  • To make pistachio orange macaroons, start off by giving the pistachios a fine chop. I like to use the whizzer (read: food processor) for this step, but you can chop them with a knife.
  • I use flaked coconut in this recipe and use it straight from the bag. This will give you a crunchier cookie because of the stringiness of the coconut flakes. Some people aren’t a fan of that kind of texture. You can put the coconut flakes into the whizzer, too, and grind them to the texture you prefer. The more ground the coconut is, the chewier the cookie will be.
  • This recipe is super easy and requires almost no technique. Toss everything into a bowl and give it a good mix. If you opted to grind up the coconut, throw all the ingredients in the food processor. Don’t even dirty a bowl. Mix everything until combined!
  • Once you have your cookie batter mixed, use a cookie scoop or tablespoon to drop them onto a prepared cookie sheet. Parchment paper or silicone mats are always recommended.
  • Pop them into the oven until the edges are golden brown. Let them cool completely before enjoying. If you want to get fancy, dip the bottoms (or the whole thing) in some dark chocolate.


Pistachio orange macaroons can be customized to fit any flavor you’d like. Take out the pistachio and orange zest, and you have a basic coconut macaroon recipe. You can add almost anything to that batter that you’d like. Some incredible flavor combos are:

Birthday Cake Macaroons: Add in a teaspoon of lemon and a half teaspoon of almond extract. Mix in 1/4 cup of sprinkles and 1/4 cup of white chocolate chips.

Chocolate Macaroons: For a decadent bite, add in 1/4 cup of dark cocoa powder and 1/4 cup chopped chocolate chunks.

Cinnamon Walnut Macaroons: Replace the pistachios with ground walnuts and add 1 tsp of cinnamon for a warm granola vibe.

Lemon and Lavender Macaroons: Add in the zest of 1 lemon and a teaspoon of dried lavender. The bright tanginess compliments the subtle floral notes of lavender for a refreshing combo!

Coconut Lime Macaroons: Add in the zest of 1 lime and top with a sprinkling of coarse salt for a tangy, zesty bite!

Maple and Bacon Macaroons: Turn this recipe into overdrive with a tablespoon of maple syrup and 1/4 cup of bacon bits for a sweet, savory bite!

These are a few examples of unique flavor combinations you can try. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find your own fun flavor combo!


Yes! This recipe for pistachio orange macaroons is kosher for passover.

For those unfamiliar with kosher foods, they refer to the permissible preparation of foods according to Jewish dietary laws. During the Jewish holiday of Passover, kosher dietary laws are especially important. Passover celebrates the Israelites’ liberation from slavery in ancient Egypt. Jews honor the holiday by eating unleavened bread and avoiding grain flours.

This is where the pistachio orange macaroons come in! These delicious treats are not only a tasty Passover dessert, but are also a kosher recipe. It doesn’t include any leavening agents, flour, or dairy. To ensure that this recipe is completely kosher, it’s important to use kosher baking utensils and certified ingredients.


Are pistachio orange macaroons gluten free?

Yes! They’re naturally gluten-free because they don’t contain wheat or glutenous ingredients. It’s important to make sure that the mix-ins and flavors that you use don’t contain gluten if you have a gluten intolerance.

How do you store pistachio orange macaroons?

Store these cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one week. If you plan on keeping them longer (as if they won’t get eaten?) you can keep them in the fridge for up to two weeks. They can also be frozen for cup to three months.

Can you make pistachio orange macaroons without eggs?

The short answer is “yes,” but with conditions. You can replace the eggs with alternative ingredients like aquafaba, applesauce, or mashed banana. Keep in mind the texture and taste will be different.

Can you make pistachio orange macaroons keto friendly?

Yes! Just make a few substitutes. 1) substitute granulated sugar for a sugar alternative like stevia. 2) Use unsweetened coconut flakes. That’s it!


Yield: 30 Cookies



A fresh and nutty variation of the traditional coconut macaroons! These pistachio orange bites are full of flavor!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 40 minutes


  • 14 oz. Shredded Sweetened Coconut
  • 3 Egg Whites
  • 1 Tbsp Vanilla Extract
  • ½ Cup Granualted White Sugar
  • ⅓ Cup Pistachios
  • ⅛ Tsp Salt
  • Zest of 1 Orange


    Preheat oven to 325F and line two cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone mats.

    In a large mixing bowl, combine all of the ingredients. Mix together until fully incorporated. Alternatively, add all ingredients into a large food processor and process until the mixture forms a dough.

    Use a cookie scoop or a tablespoon to portion out the dough onto the cookie sheets. Space each cookie about 1 inch apart.

    Bake in the center rack at 325F for approximately 30 minutes. Turn the pan halfway through baking. The cookies are done when the outside is golden brown. If the coconut is turning black and not browning evenly, lower the temperature to 300 and continue baking.

    Let cool completely on a wire rack before removing from the pan. This step is important. The cookies will not release from the parchment or silicone mat until they’ve cooled! Instead, they will crumble and rip apart.

    Once fully cooled, remove from cookie tray and store at room temperature for approximately a week.


At Olivia Goes Global, we believe every day has something wonderful to celebrate! We love to make cookies any time of the year, but our favorite happens to be for passover and the winter holidays. Add these pistachio orange macaroons to your festive holiday baking in honor of Middle Eastern culture!

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